Friday, August 22, 2008


When I first meet Mr. Ronald Flynn he seems such a nice guy and had a good sense of humor to talk with. I started working In Spectrum Blue Steel last June 28, 08 as an account manager. It was a great pleasure for me to work with Mr. Ronald Flynn, I’m proud to be part of it, he treated us like he’s youngest sister and he’s very supportive to us. He also wants to help other people who have nothing and poor. I can’t believe that there’s one man in this world who have a good heart an American great man Mr. Ronald Flynn.

That’s why we trust him also like has our own brother to us, he protect us for everything we do, and to leads us in good ways, He train us how to be a successful person and how to be independent that we can stand our own by not lending other people. He wants us to be successful woman in hes company Spectrum Blue Steel Inc., To achieved all our dreams and it will come true. He wants us to do hard jobs and to discipline on what we are doing in difficult thing that we made if its good or bad and to make it perfect. Mr. Ronald Flynn knows all that hes a good accomplisher for all the business he handle, I think he experienced almost everything in life now, He is a successful businessman Mr. Ronald Flynn a big man with a big heart and a huge mind to help people without asking in return.

In our company Spectrum Blue Steel I learned a lot of things and experience; he gave us positive outlook of life that become successful in life relate to others. He always says that the only thing that we become success in life is to be honest, and to love our work to plan and courage to press on to our destination. Mr. Flynn thought us always the key principles in giving however is that the gift must be yours to give, either something good or bad. We earned and create more things also. Or maybe simply to give away our best part of being ourselves in everything we planned to do in life.

Mr. Ronald Flynn created business here in Phil. To help our environment and save our mother nature so called “BIOSPHERE” such a nice and brilliant idea, as he process a good development to the cost of most industrial inputs and future energy supplies seemed uncertain. He also developing nations like our country has taken approaches to moderate our future energy demands to a more balanced development with equal investments in our country, industry, agriculture with less capital,

Such a good news for us here in manila, action in the spirit of crisis, reactive manner, to help also fuel, house, feed and preserve developing nations. However we can also consider that there is still hope, because, more and more people, realize the need for urgent action are now resolutely moving to protect and care the environment. Thanks for SPECTRUM BLUE STEEL INC.

Thank you for giving me a chance to work in your company Mr Ronald Flynn...
God Bless and more POWER...


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